I don't really like talking about myself. I'm not as interesting as the characters that populate my stories. Yet some people want to know who is behind the stories they read (or are considering), so I'll include a bit of something here.

Official Biography

M. Lori Motley suspends reality whenever possible.

She believes in magic, alternate realities, and especially dragons. She lives with them in stories where imagination isn't (usually) taken for rampant weirdness (although she really doesn't mind if you think she's rampantly weird either).

She believes in the outsider, the 'other,' and things that go bump in the night. She traps them in books so they don't creep out at night and grab her feet.

Mundane Biography

I've always loved writing. My first grade report card said my stories "show maturity and real grasp of creativity." I still have my illustrated tale "Tall Cow" in which a gigantic cow terrorized a city. In eighth grade my amazing teacher said a story I wrote scared her in her own home. She still took 10 points off for turning it in late.

I knew then that I'd be a writer. That's what I would do when I grew up.

I'm grown up (as much as is advisable in this crazy world) and it is who I am. That's pretty much it.